RAM Products

Boosting Efficiency with Customized Inventory and Support

Boosting Efficiency with Customized Inventory and Support


Southwest US


Solar Energy for Transportation Industry

Company size

<$5M (200+ employees)

Identifying the Challenges:
Inventory Management Problem


Stock Management

Their existing inventory system often resulted in critical stock shortages, causing unexpected downtimes and delays in production.


Limited Accessibility to
Essential Supplies

Technicians frequently wasted valuable time navigating through disorganized supplies, significantly slowing down essential maintenance and assembly processes.



The generic inventory approach failed to meet the specific needs of their specialized projects, often leaving them without essential components for their solar-powered transportation units.

Innovative Solutions by Ram Products

  • Customized Inventory Management:
    We were able to tailor the inventory on our mobile warehouse that services their account to ensure availability of frequently used items.
  • Vendor Managed Inventory (VMI)
    Provided consistent VMI services, including the introduction of new bolt bins and parts boxes that were properly labeled, for better organization and product availability.
  • Expert Guidance for Optimal Product Selection:
    Deployed a Product Application Specialist to assist in selecting the most suitable products for various applications.

Transformative Outcomes Produced

Enhanced Productivity and Reduced Downtime

The increased product availability we provided resulted in decreased downtime for their technicians and increased productivity.

Reorganized Bins with Clear Labeling for Easy Identification

We installed new bolt bins and parts boxes in addition to reorganizing their existing bins with easy to identify labels.

Efficient MRO Stock Movement and Accessibility Enhancement

We delivered, set up, and organized mobile MRO carts to allow them to move stock closer to work areas, eliminating wasted motion associated with multiple trips to their supply room.

Customized Truck Inventory for Uninterrupted Operations

Working with their management, we tailored truck inventory to maintain more high usage products they regularly required, preventing shutdowns due to inventory shortages.

Are you ready to transform your inventory management?
Contact Us